Tuesday, June 25, 2013


It has come full circle. I arrived at the help desk as a surprise and I was ushered out as a surprise.

I no longer feel any need to hide many of the details of my time at the company I was working at. I plan on elaborating with generous detail the story of my desk jockey days.

Lydia Lunch, in her dedication in her book Paradoxia: A Predator's Diary said “No names have been changed to protect the innocent, they’re all fucking guilty.”

I would say that we're ALL fucking guilty. I would say "Take me away, officers!" but I was already ushered out of the doors of the building. HR was particularly kind, I cannot complain, they were very good to me. A pink slip and a weeping woman tends to soften even the hardest HR persons heart.

Anyway, let's take a drink to all the good. To all of the surprises, triumphs, lessons gained, tears shed, the good times, the bad times, the really bad times and the general experiences had.